Monday, July 24, 2006

A52Codec Universal

Did you buy an intel iMac? do you love Front Row? do you hate that when you try to play movies with AC3 audio, no sound will play through quicktime? I used to be like you. I searched for a codec that would play the audio in my Quicktime, but to no avail. until recently that is!! I gave up on it at first, but I did some googling recently, and found that "Shepmaster" had made the A52Codec Universal that I had dreamt of, and you too can get it from his site. or from and with this magic codec, my troubles are gone. If I were to rate this codec, I would give it four and a half THXs out of five. the only reason it loses half a THX is because it didn't exist when I first bought this computer. otherwise, it's perfect.


At 10:16 AM, Blogger Russ Weeks said...


At 3:59 PM, Blogger metamator said...


At 5:54 PM, Blogger gwilli said...


At 5:18 PM, Blogger erinator said...

y'all are geeks.


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