ye olde All British Field Meet 2006
every year, the All British Field Meet car show is held at Van Dusen Gardens. this is an incredible car show. there were more classic cars than I've ever seen at any Vancouver car show.

however, I had one problem with it all... it cost 12 bucks to get in! with the ticket spouting "presented by Zoom Airlines, Meguiar's, jaguar richmond, ICBC, & river rock casino" you'd think they wouldn't need another $10-$12 per head (youth and seniors got in marginally cheaper). I guess we're supposed to think that the chance of winning a trip to england is worth this money? well, I didn't win. so it wasn't worth it.

next time, I think I'll go before it starts, or after it ends and get photos of the cars as they arrive or leave, like I did last year, because I was too late for the show. also, I would love to get more pictures of the cars with their hoods down, and in action. way cooler looking. this guy did just that. go check out his amazing collection of pics from this show.

one other thing the ticket price got us was adminssion to see the bansai trees on display at Van Dusen that day. some really cool trees up to 60 years old!