Saturday, May 27, 2006

ye olde All British Field Meet 2006

every year, the All British Field Meet car show is held at Van Dusen Gardens. this is an incredible car show. there were more classic cars than I've ever seen at any Vancouver car show.

however, I had one problem with it all... it cost 12 bucks to get in! with the ticket spouting "presented by Zoom Airlines, Meguiar's, jaguar richmond, ICBC, & river rock casino" you'd think they wouldn't need another $10-$12 per head (youth and seniors got in marginally cheaper). I guess we're supposed to think that the chance of winning a trip to england is worth this money? well, I didn't win. so it wasn't worth it.

next time, I think I'll go before it starts, or after it ends and get photos of the cars as they arrive or leave, like I did last year, because I was too late for the show. also, I would love to get more pictures of the cars with their hoods down, and in action. way cooler looking. this guy did just that. go check out his amazing collection of pics from this show.

one other thing the ticket price got us was adminssion to see the bansai trees on display at Van Dusen that day. some really cool trees up to 60 years old!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

just friends review

on the weekend, I watched the movie "Just Friends". now, before you go thinking that this is just another fat-suit movie... well.. ok. keep thinking that. that's exactly what it is. not really much of a fat suit, either. more like a fat mask, and a couple pillows under the clothes. ryan reynolds did a fine performance, but really there wasn't much to this movie. there's only 2 things I have to say aobut it. 1) in many romantic comedies, there's a time when the couple (that you know will end up together since it is a movie, afterall) looks like they're not going to be together, and they part ways. This is bound to happen in this sort of movie, but unbelievably, in this movie, they do it about 4 times. yeah. 4 times. the guy totally gives up on her and leaves before returning again and again. and the final time, he actually leaves town, then just decides to fly back. iyiy. the second thing I wanted to say is that ryan's character was fat in high school. fat and tall. the ryan I remember from high school (in his 8th year, anyway) was small and skinny. I shall share this photo from the high school annual. enjoy.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I don't usually have anything nice to say about economy class on any aircraft, small seats, close proximity to others, bad food and the loser version of entertainment are enough to make a grown chan cry. This was my first flight on an emirates plane on my trip from London to Dubai I have to say I was very very impressed. the craft was very new, (uh the air canada plane we travelled on from yvr to ldn had tape holding a broken piece of plastic on the bottom of the TV in business class..) and although the seats were small I have to say they made up for it in every other way.

Service: excellent, friendly staff and no half assed services, they have stickers you can put on the shoulder of your seat if you dont want to be disturbed unless its food/duty free, etc. Also good headphones were a plus.

Food: Wow, the best airline food I have ever had, really, even up against first class on some other airlines, I had the curry chicken with stewed tomatoes and rice, it came with 2 side salads (one with smokes salmon), some cheese, a very nice mousse desert, a half white half brown bread roll. top marks here.

Entertainment: This is what really impressed me, I know most airlines (sans air canada) already have the tvs on the back of each seat in ecomony, but these guys had great entertainment, video games, online access (gotta pay bitch), great movies (king kong, some justin timberlake, good morning vietnam, some other new movies I cant name, the office-us, arressted development, top gear, really the list goes on.. the best part for me, is they have a camera on the front of the plane and on the bottom that you can see from your seat.

overall I give this 5/5 I would dog on the small seats but I think its the same as any other airline
